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2021 Vol.12, Issue 4 Preview Page

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31 December 2021. pp. 347-362
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  • Publisher :Sustainable Building Research Center (ERC) Innovative Durable Building and Infrastructure Research Center
  • Publisher(Ko) :건설구조물 내구성혁신 연구센터
  • Journal Title :International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development
  • Volume : 12
  • No :4
  • Pages :347-362
  • Received Date : 2021-10-21
  • Accepted Date : 2021-11-02
Journal Informaiton International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development
  • scopus
  • NRF
  • KISTI Current Status
  • KISTI Cited-by
  • crosscheck
  • orcid
  • open access
  • ccl
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